Thursday, August 23, 2007

Friday, December 2, 2005

UCLA vs. USC Football Game Viewing Party

Looking for a venue to watch the game?

Where: Hollywood Billiards (5750 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, California 90028)
Club 5750
When: Saturday December 3, 2005
Time: 1:00pm (kick-off is at 1:30pm so no Pilipino Time!!) to 5:00pm (unless we go into overtime!!!)

For more info go to =>

Monday, November 7, 2005

Generation Y: They've arrived at work with a new attitude

By Stephanie Armour, USA TODAY
They're young, smart, brash. They may wear flip-flops to the office or listen to iPods at their desk. They want to work, but they don't want work to be their life.

I could not agree more with what this article has to say.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Blast from the Past: Old School Livejournal Introduction

Yes...I finally have a journal on the web. Many other friends have at one time or another tried to convince me to use a journal , as though it was the latest trend to be with the in crowd, I initially ignored them all. I've long been writing a journal using my old palm pilot w/the simple but great palmjournal application and had no intentions of revealing to the rest of the world my own personal thoughts. However, that was a very long time ago...and many things have changed since then. I no longer have the PalmPilot and my other PDA doesn't have a similar application. I've had these ideas in my head of what would make a good alternative program but college and work came about and could no longer set aside the time to create an app of my own (although, it may not be out of the question in the future).
Besides the technical points though, I've found myself to contemplate and think more and more about the topics and issues around me, creating an ever increasing desire to capture and express those thoughts and feelings . I make no guarantees that what I write will be of interests to anyone or be written in perfect english (or even english at all for that matter), but hopefully it can still be an insightful opportunity to look at life from another man's point of view ...MINE. Meanwhile the popularity of web journals and web logs have skyrocketed with friends using either Xanga, Blogger, LiveJournal, Radio.Userland, etc... Therefore, I decided that for matters I'm comfortable in divulging, I'll go ahead and use one. The immediate dillemma however is which one? A quick google research on the two most popular resulted in the following generalizations:

- Xanga users are about two years younger (Xanga at 18.2, LJ at 20.5).
- Xanga users posted less often but averaged almost twice as many comments per post (4.6) than LJ (2.6).
-70% of female Xanga users had more than 50 friends in their blogroll while only 40% of males had more than 50.
-Live Journal users were more likely to identify themselves as whites while Xanga users were more likely to identify as Asians.

Ahh, the last statistic was particularly helpful. Given that I definitely identify myself as asian and asians are expected to use Xanga, I made no hesitation and immediately created an account on LiveJournal.

I just wanted to say hi and take some time, to say WUTUP to all you white identifying Live Journal Users. Glad to be a part of this web community.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The timeless demise of

Ehh.. this site was suppose to be a collaboration between myself and sean (a jpl coworker) in order to usher the internet into a new era :) However just when we were about to get started I ended up taking pre-graduation trip around southeast asia. Then when I got back, halflife2 came out, meaning that I could no longer get a hold of him. A month later I had to leave work to focus back on school, and that was that. Now the domain names are expiring and I reminisce at the ideas of what could have been. hehe... ;-)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Sleep is for the Weak.

Man... with interviews, midterms, and the wedding fast approaching, I got so much shit to do.

Quick diversion though iTunes 4.8 now supports the purchase of video, I just got the Gorillaz single right now. I hope they start selling the AOL Sessions or even better the MTV Unplugged videos. But yeah can we say iPod Video.

Also, xbox 360 launch on Thursday. Take a look at the promo here:

Man with that type of marketing, I think xbox has a real good chance to kick the ps3 and it's cell cpu in the arse.

Okay.... back to work.

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Why Gates Scares Google!

Some interesting comments from a recent fortune article

Gates and Payne don't agree at all. To them, beating Google is the same as beating any of Microsoft's previous challengers. It's still about writing software that is easier to use, and the easiest-to-use software is always the kind that's integrated with what people already have—like Windows or MSN. Gates says that when Microsoft is done integrating search into future versions of Windows and Office, the world will look back at the way we are now "Googling" for stuff on the Internet and laugh.

Thursday, May 5, 2005

Heh...quick diversion. Just installed the Google web accelerator and even with the privacy concerns, I'm happy by its performance. Having just used it for a bit tonight, it's already saved me 1.9 minutes of my time. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Which Filipino Food Are You?

Lechon Baboy: Roasted to a crisp. The main act on
a Filipino buffet repertoire.

Which Filipino Food Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hrmm...that's kinda sad. Am I that fat already? Anywho, gotta get back to studying.

Monday, May 2, 2005

What Is Your Seduction Style?

Your Seduction Style: Ideal Lover

You seduce people by tapping into their dreams and desires.
And because of this sensitivity, you can be the ideal lover for anyone you seek.
You are a shapeshifter - bringing romance, adventure, spirituality to relationships.
It all depends on who your with, and what their vision of a perfect relationship is.